For general FAQs, see the Resources for Patients page.
Patients with Tests Pending or Being Considered for Testing
Why am I being tested? Is everyone that comes to the hospital tested?
If I'm not being tested, when will I be tested? Who will make that decision?
How "good" is the test? If it returns negative, how certain are you about the result? Will I need a repeat test?
How quick do the results return? Do I need to stay in the hospital until the results turn negative?
Can my family or friends visit me while I am being tested?
Where can I get more information on COVID-19 symptoms and testing?
Patients Who Test Positive for COVID-19
Why are we repeating tests? If my tests are still positive, what's the impact?
Do I need to stay in the hospital until my tests return negative?
Can my friends or family visit me while I am in the hospital?
If my family members also test positive, do I need to be quarantined from them?
Do I need to inform all of my recent contacts? Do they need testing? Who will let them know about this?
What's my prognosis? What does this mean to both my immediate and long-term health?
If I leave the hospital and still have symptoms, should I return for a repeat test? Do outpatient centers have testing abilities?
How long will my symptoms last? What should I do if my symptoms don't improve?
Can chloroquine be used to treat COVID-19? Are we using it at UCSF?