Updated April 11, 2023
Editor’s note: The COVID-19 website is being completely revised to reflect changing policies. Please refer to our homepage for the most current policies.
Effective April 3, 2023, completing the UCSF Vendor and Campus Guest Daily Health Screener is no longer a requirement before entering a UCSF facility.
Reminder: If you are feeling sick or have had COVID exposures or infection in the last 10 days, do not come to UCSF. Stay home.
Visit coronavirus.ucsf.edu for the most current information, including vaccination, masking and testing requirements.
Please note: All vendors and contractors must be approved by department heads or principal investigators; no higher-level approval is required. See also the UCSF return-from-travel requirements that apply to vendors, on-site workers and learners.
Vendor Group Requirements
Vendor Definition
For the purposes of the policy below, vendors are defined as suppliers and contractors who perform services on UCSF property that involve more than just a quick delivery. Examples of work performed by vendors include construction, equipment installations, repairs and servicing, gas refills and clinical research monitoring by research sponsors or thir parties.
Already Approved Vendors
All on-site work by vendors must be approved by Department Heads or Principal Investigators; no higher-level approval is required. Following initial approval of a vendor project, each individual site visits necessary to perform the work needs to be coordinated in advance with an appropriate UCSF contact.
Long-term Vendors with UCSF IDs
Some select vendors have been issued a UCSF ID and are on campus full-time or for extended periods of time (generally months or longer), such as those working in retail, food service and building operations. These vendors must also follow all the same policies and protocols as UCSF employees.
Construction Contractors Hired Under UCSF Contracts
Construction contractors hired by UCSF Real Estate and other campus units are required to adhere to the terms of their contracts and their site-specific health and safety plans. If they are entering UCSF buildings where UCSF staff or patients are present, then they must follow UCSF COVID-19 health, quarantine and testing protocols listed above for already approved vendors.
The UCSF Vendor & Campus Guest Health Screening tool is built on the Qualtrics platform and follows UCSF’s COVID-19 Symptom Screening Program privacy practices.