Campus Access & Protocols


COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

Updated September 26, 2022

The UC-wide vaccination policy that became effective on July 15, 2021, requires all UCSF faculty, staff, academic appointees, trainees, learners, vendors and contractors who physically access a UCSF site as part of their employment, appointment or education/training to submit proof of full vaccination or have an approved exception. 

Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention (NPI) for employees not up to date with vaccination  

Individuals NOT up-to-date with vaccination are no longer required to complete weekly COVID testing solely for the purpose of meeting vaccine exception requirements. They are required to comply with the policy to help slow the spread of the virus. These include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Wear a face covering as directed by UCSF campus
  • Wear a surgical mask as directed by UCSF Health  
  • Mask must be worn at all in all indoor locations, including campus buildings, clinics and off-campus UCSF offices and on UCSF shuttles. 
  • Return to work clearance requirements related to COVID infection, COVID symptoms, COVID exposures and international travel related to your approved vaccine exception status will still be different.  Guidance is provided by the Daily Health Screener and the COVID Hotline

When is an individual up to date with vaccination? 

Up-to-date vaccination status is defined as meeting criteria in A or B: 

A. COMPLETED an initial FDA- or WHO-approved two-dose vaccination series > 5 months ago (or one-dose J&J > 2 months ago) and you have RECEIVED at least one booster. 

B. COMPLETED an initial FDA- or WHO-approved two-dose vaccination series < 5 months ago (or one-dose J&J < 2 months ago), and > 14 days since you completed your vaccination series (i.e., NOT YET booster eligible). 

The entire vaccination policy can be found on the UC website. Required forms to request an exception are available on the UCSF Occupational Health Services website.  

Answers to some common questions follow, below. 

Why is UCSF enforcing this UC-wide vaccination policy? 

UCSF’s goal is to ensure as many employees are vaccinated against COVID-19 as possible. People with up-to-date vaccination status are well-protected from infections and serious illness due to known COVID-19. Vaccinating as many people as possible, as soon as possible, continues to be our best defense against severe COVID-19 infection, and prevent the harm it can do to our community. UCSF is offering several drop-in vaccination sites at these locations. 

Who is covered?

Does this policy require vaccination for all employees or only those who work on-site? 

Even if the employee’s job does not ordinarily require them to work onsite, they still need to provide proof of full vaccination (or submit a request for exception or deferral) before physically accessing UC facilities, such as to attend meetings or trainings in person. 

Will this requirement apply to union-represented employees and non-UCSF employees? 

Yes, this will apply to union-represented employees in accordance with their collective bargaining agreements and subject to collective bargaining obligations, if any. Non-UCSF employees will be required to work with their employers to submit proof of vaccination or an approved exception or deferral to UCSF. 

Does this policy apply to employees in Fresno and in BCH Oakland? 

The policy also applies to UCSF employees in Fresno. BCH Oakland has a policy that closely aligns with the UC policy. 

Does this apply to new employees? 

All new UCSF employees must comply with this policy; be fully vaccinated (including booster if eligible) or have an approved exception. 

Does this requirement apply to students, postdocs, residents, and fellows on the same basis? 

Yes, the policy requires all learners and trainees in accordance with collective bargaining agreements and subject to collective bargaining obligations, if any. 

Does this requirement apply to volunteers? Are all volunteers required to be vaccinated prior to coming on-site at UCSF? 

Yes, the policy requires all volunteers who work on-site at UCSF. 


Will UC accept internationally approved vaccines even if not authorized or approved in the United States? 

Consistent with U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidance, UC will accept proof of full vaccination with any international vaccine that has been authorized for emergency use by World Health Organization (WHO) through the Emergency Use Listing (EUL) process. People who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination series with one of these vaccines do not need additional doses with an FDA licensed or authorized COVID-19 vaccine, at least initially (but may be subject to subsequent booster requirements).

A document summarizing the status of a wide range of international vaccines can be found online on the WHO’s website (click on link to check the status of COVID-19 vaccines in the Emergency Use Listing/PQ evaluation process). 

If an employee already submitted proof of vaccination to Occupational Health Services (OHS), do they need to take any action? 

No further action is needed. Managers can confirm their compliance by checking  HR Umbrella website.  

Will UCSF provide paid time off for the time needed to get vaccinated?  

Yes.  All employees may take up to four hours of paid time to obtain each dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.  They should provide advance notice to their supervisors. 

If vaccination cannot be accommodated during an employee’s shift due to operational/patient care needs, a supervisor may authorize the use of paid Administrative Leave to get vaccinated during non-scheduled work time. If you have further questions, please contact Labor and Employee Relations at [email protected]

What if an employee has symptoms as a result of the vaccine and cannot work as scheduled?  

Employees may request Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) or, an employee can use accrued sick leave, vacation or PTO. 

Exceptions and Deferrals 

How do employees and learners request an exception or deferral? 

Exception requests should be submitted through the OHS portal.  

Who reviews and approves exceptions and/or deferrals? 

Exception requests will be reviewed by the appropriate UCSF unit depending upon the type of request.  

What if an employee or learner recently was diagnosed with COVID-19? 

Individuals are allowed to defer vaccination for up to 90 days after their COVID+diagnosis, based on CDPH and SFDPH Health orders.  

Will managers know the reason an employee has requested and/or been approved for an exception? 

No. HR Umbrella will be adjusted to show employee compliance, and only delineate whether an employee is up to date with vaccination status or has received an approved exception or deferral. 

What are non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs)? 

Non-pharmaceutical interventions are actions that employees with NOT up-to-date vaccination status are required to comply with the policy to help slow the spread of the virus. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • Wear a face covering as directed by UCSF campus 
  • Wear a surgical mask as directed by UCSF Health
  • Mask must be worn at all indoor locations, including campus buildings, clinics and off-campus UCSF offices, and on UCSF shuttles.
  • Return-to-work clearance requirements related to COVID infection, COVID symptoms, COVID exposures and international travel related to your approved vaccine exception status will still be different. Guidance is provided by the Daily Health Screener and the COVID Hotline.

Consequences of non-compliance

What happens if an employee or learner is not compliant with the UC vaccination policy and applicable CDPH/SFDPH health orders? 

Employees and learners who are NOT up to date with vaccination status and who do not have an approved exemption will face disciplinary action.  

Resources for more information

Whom do I contact with questions about the online exception and deferral process? 

Questions about the forms/process can be directed to [email protected] 

Where can I get more information about vaccines? 

Information about the vaccine and FAQs are available on the UCSF Covid-19 Vaccine Information Hub, which will be updated as additional information is available. They may also wish to speak with their personal physician or another trusted source before receiving their vaccine. 

Daily Health Screener

Updated September 26, 2021

All UCSF employees and learners are required to complete the COVID-19 daily health screener before coming to campus. 

The digital health-screening tool is accessible in multiple languages via the UCSF Mobile App or online at the Daily Health Screening website

The screener eliminates the need for UCSF Health employees to show a clearance pass on a mobile device. Once an employee or learner completes the health-screening tool, they only have to tap their UCSF identification badge on any electronic badge reader, located outside or inside most UCSF buildings, to confirm their on-site presence and screening process.  

In buildings without badge readers, employees and learners should continue the same process of showing their clearance pass as they have been doing with the Conversa screener. More badge readers will be added to satellite buildings and offices in the coming months. 

For more details on the daily health screener, please visit the Daily Health Screening website and see answers to frequently asked questions

Users won't be asked for passwords, Duo Authentication, or MyAccess to log in. 

Health Screener Details to Know

  • Please complete the health screener two hours before coming to campus. 
  • Users won't be asked for passwords, Duo Authentication, or MyAccess to log in. 
  • Those who can't complete the health screener before leaving home for work, can complete it at the designated employee entrances if they have an Internet-enabled mobile device or computer or through one of the entrance screening staff. 
  • After the health screener is completed, users will receive a screen with a green checkmark that says, "You are cleared to work." 
  • Employees who are not cleared to work, depending on the reason, will be given further instructions for OHS Clearance and return to work.  In cases where an in-person interview is needed, the employee will be contacted by a representative from UCSF Occupational Health Services using a contact phone number entered in the screening tool. 
  • After employees have been cleared to work, they can tap their badge on any electronic UCSF ID badge readers outside or in campus buildings to complete the screening process. 
  • Those who have forgotten their ID badge or prefer an in-person manual health screen should see a Guest Services screener. 

Building Access

Identification Badge Access Required

Updated July 2, 2021

Until further notice, all UCSF will continue to use a single point of entry at campus buildings for all employees who should tap their UCSF identification (ID) badges at badge readers.  

All UCSF Health employees must enter medical center facilities through designated doors and wear their UCSF ID badges above their waist at all times. 

Effective July 1, UCSF has instituted a new policy that requires all campus and UCSF Health employees to “badge in” at their primary work location at the start of each shift. This is not a timekeeping measure but is an emergency management tool that will allow UCSF to know how many people are in a building in the event of an emergency and will enable UCSF to know how many people are coming on-site to work. Note that this policy only applies to sites with a badge reader available; more badge readers will be installed at high-density locations in the coming months. 

As a reminder, please do not hold the door open for others; each person should tap their badge individually. Only pre-authorized guests may enter campus buildings, and guests must check-in with security, where available. 

Badges must be visible and worn above the waist at all times above the waist. 

By tapping a UCSF ID badge, employees are attesting that they: 

Physical Distancing Protocol

Updated July 30, 2020

UCSF is taking the following measures to ensure the health of our UCSF community:

  • All UCSF employees, learners and volunteers must complete the daily pre-shift health screen prior to the start of work (text “Screen” to 839-73).
  • Personnel are not to come to work if they are sick. Symptoms may include:
    • Fever (≥ 100° F / 37.8° C) or chills
    • Cough
    • Sore throat
    • Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
    • Feeling unusually weak or fatigued
    • Loss of taste or smell
    • Unexplained muscle pain
    • Headache
    • Runny or congested nose
    • Diarrhea or Nausea
  • Anyone, except patients, exhibiting any of the above symptoms should not enter UCSF facilities. If you have been exposed to COVID-19, call the COVID Employee Hotline.
  • UCSF requires all members of the UCSF community to wear a face covering indoors, except when in a private office or private vehicle.
  • UCSF Health has established a Universal Surgical Mask Policy that applies within their facilities
  • All employees, learners and visitors on UCSF property must remain six feet apart, whenever possible, abstain from physical contact, and observe floor markings to maintain distance while standing in lines.
  • UCSF encourages the use of contactless payment systems, where possible. High-touch payment systems are disinfected between each use.
  • UCSF has posted maximum occupancy signage on common use rooms, such as restrooms and classrooms.

Flu Vaccination Policy

The University of California will be requiring all members of the UC community to receive an influenza vaccine to help protect our faculty, staff, students and learners during the combined COVID-19 epidemic and flu season. More details to come.

Returning to Work After Exposure to COVID-19

Updated September 26, 2022

The Daily Health Screener is your guide to return-to-on-site work for symptoms, exposure, and travel.

After Travel  

If you have traveled outside California 

  • There are requirements post-travel that must be followed.  All individuals must check travel guidance for testing and quarantine policies after international and interstate travel. 

COVID-19 Testing and Self-Reporting a Diagnosis

UCSF is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our employees, learners, patients and families. To achieve this, we offer symptomatic and random asymptomatic testing to members of the UCSF community. 

In addition, all personnel working or learning at UCSF who test or have tested positive for COVID-19 at an outside facility (e.g., Kaiser, Sutter) must self-report the positive COVID-19 test result to the appropriate UCSF department: UCSF Occupational Health Services (OHS) for faculty, staff, trainees, and volunteers, and UCSF Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) for students. This policy applies to personnel with current and past positive diagnoses and will supplement the cases already reported within UCSF, including within OHS and SHCS, and enable UCSF to obtain complete data about positive COVID-19 diagnoses for exposure tracing and analysis. 

More about UCSF's testing and self-reporting protocol » 

Protocols for Vendors Working on Campus

In an effort to ensure the health and safety of the UCSF community, UCSF is requiring vendors who come to work at its campus locations to follow health measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

See onsite vendor protocols »