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To Stop COVID-19 Spread in Schools, Start with Local Data and Do the Math

August 25, 2020
A new study from UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals shows that public data and a simple equation may be all that is required to estimate the number of students infected with COVID-19 who might be in a classroom.

How to Reopen Schools Safely During COVID-19, According to Pediatricians

August 24, 2020
We talked to UC San Francisco pediatricians about what we know about COVID-19 in children, the safety precautions schools need to take, and their perspective on how to balance the risks and benefits of reopening schools.

What to Know About Wildfire Smoke and COVID-19

August 21, 2020
In a perfect storm of smoke, heat, and viral pandemic, the worry this year is that air pollution from wildfires could increase the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. UCSF physicians explain the risks and how to protect yourself.

Philanthropy Helps UCSF Faculty and Staff Cope With COVID-19

August 18, 2020
Recognizing that helping support the wellness of care providers was a unique and meaningful way they could contribute to the pandemic response, donors recently made a $1 million gift to create a COVID-19 Faculty and Staff Morale Support Fund.

‘AeroNabs’ Promise Powerful, Inhalable Protection Against COVID-19

August 11, 2020
UCSF scientists have devised a novel approach to halting the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease.

UCSF’s Global Health Institute Fights COVID-19 Around the World

August 07, 2020
People wear masks as they walk through an outdoor market in Brazil, a co

COVID-19 Pandemic Drives Telehealth Boom, But Older Adults Can’t Connect

August 03, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in video visits between patients and their doctors, but for many older adults, the shift has cut them off from care, rather than connecting them.

One More Reason to Wear a Mask: You’ll Get Less Sick From COVID-19

July 31, 2020
It’s likely that face masks, by blocking even some of the coronavirus-carrying droplets you inhale, can reduce your risk of falling seriously ill from COVID-19, according to Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at UCSF.

Transit-Based COVID-19 Monitoring Pilot Launched in Mission District

July 28, 2020
In San Francisco’s Mission District, UCSF infectious disease specialists and community partners are launching what is believed to be a first-in-the-nation pilot program to provide low-barrier COVID-19 testing — free, simple, and convenient — at a central transit hub.

Mask-Wearing Reduces Face-Touching Among Health Care Providers

July 14, 2020
Among a group of 40 health care professionals observed by the study authors, those without masks touched their faces nearly four times as often as those who wore masks, indicating that masks not only are an effective barrier to disease transmission, but also may reduce face-touching, at least among...
